WIKA Mobile Control GmbH & Co. KG

Innovative qSCALE MAESTRO Replaces the PAT Hirschmann DS 350

The proven PAT Hirschmann DS 350 load moment indicator console has been ensuring outstanding safety in cranes for more than two decades. But many mobile cranes remain in service for longer than this, making it increasingly difficult to service older systems as required components are phased out. What is the solution?

Hirschmann MCS has now launched a high-performance alternative: the qSCALE MAESTRO, which is paving the way for a whole new generation of load moment indication systems. The legacy software has been updated and adapted for a state-of-the-art development environment and the new hardware. Both of which have passed automated tests proving that they are at least as good as the old systems.

The qSCALE MAESTRO system makes it straightforward to upgrade mobile cranes to new qSCALE hardware with performance level d without the need to recalibrate anything. An integrated camera also lets you keep everything in view.

The other advantages of moving up to the qSCALE MAESTRO are:

  • Data logger functionality
  • Support for inclination sensors
  • Wind speed display
  • Flexibly definable user-specific limits for radius, height, angle and wind speed
  • Support for 12 different languages

This combination of proven functionality and leading-edge technology from <link _blank internal-link internen link im aktuellen>Hirschmann MCS makes it easy for you to optimize your machinery for the future.

For more information, please contact our <link mail ein fenster zum versenden der>sales team.