Rising Stars Welcome!
Tired of spending every day trudging between lecture halls, the library and the cafeteria? How about a change of scene?
WIKA Mobile Control offers students a host of fantastic opportunities to acquire practical knowledge, test their career prospects and make a real difference while they’re at it. Apply for a holiday job with us! Devote yourself to exciting topics related to your graduation project or dissertation, work for us while studying, or join us as a trainee to participate in fascinating projects related to the world of mobile machines.
Discover the many possibilities for your entry into our world:
Vacation job
During a vacation job, pupils and students have the opportunity of gathering practical experience in everyday working life during their school holidays and term breaks.
Degree thesis
Use the opportunity of writing your degree thesis about one of our fields of activity. We have interesting subjects to offer. Combine your involvement with our experience!
Dual Studies
Benefit from the best of both worlds and experience science up close at WIKA Mobile Control. As a dual student of information technology or electrical engineering, you are right in the middle of everyday business life and quickly bring your own projects to the finish line. You will create the theoretical basis in the three-month theory phases at the renowned DHBW at the leading technology hub of Karlsruhe. And the end of the story? After three years you have a university degree in your pocket and your future at WIKA Mobile Control in your hands!
Working student
We look for working students in regular intervals who support our project teams. Use the chance of contributing to specific projects. You can profit from the experience of our specialists and establish new valuable contacts.
Practical training / Practical semesters
Find the practical trainings or semesters which suit your plans. As an intern, you actively contribute to projects and daily business and gather specialist skills and profit from working with seasoned specialists.
Get on board and start moving things!
You’ve made it! With your degree in your hand and big dreams in your suitcase, you want to roll up your sleeves and make a difference.

Job market
Speculative applicationWIKA Mobile Control offers you ideal opportunities to do just that. We want to systematically promote your talents and make sure that you optimally develop. After in-depth familiarization, you’ll soon be ready to launch your own projects – and can depend on receiving support for your tasks from the other members of your team.
As an internationally active enterprise, we offer you a great platform for leveraging your skills and turning your ideas into reality.
In a nutshell: you’re committed and a good team player and want to be a mover and shaker? All you have to do is apply.
From lecture hall to WIKA Mobile Control
What is it like to take the leap from your studies to a working life? In a promotional video of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, a member of our applications department describes her journey from studying mechatronics to WIKA Mobile Control. What matters in her job as an applications engineer? Go to 2:33 in the clip!
Looking for fresh challenges?
Get ready to take the next step in your career.
Welcome to WIKA Mobile Control! We supply robust control systems and reliable safety solutions. Let’s head for the future of mobile machines together!
WIKA Mobile Control offers you a wide range of possibilities for getting started and developing yourself. What do we expect in return? Employees who are eager and willing to make a difference.
We’re looking forward to your application!
Job market