Below are the main components of this system. To find information on an item, select the part number from the list. There may be several different types of the same component listed. If this is the case, this system could be using any of these items. To choose the correct one, you will have to find the part number on your existing part.
050-160-060-008 CONSOLE, MAESTRO / 0008

Central Unit (CU)
024-160-060-009 CENTRAL UNIT, MAESTRO

Length / Angle Sensor
068-208-060-013 SENSOR, LENGTH/ANGLE LWG208

obsoletePart of these products
A2B Switch
031-002-060-011 SWITCH, A2B W/ CRIMP W/ 12' WIRE

activePart of these products
Pressure Transducer
031-300-060-452 SENSOR, PRES.TRAN.DAVS300/3401 4.20mA,300 bar,M12,9/16-18