trueSafety: WIKA Mobile Control offers a comprehensive portfolio of safety force sensors that meet special requirements of mobile machines.
The term safety is generally defined as "absence of danger and risks". However, safety can only be guaranteed temporarily, locally and often depends on the situation. Although this definition applies to all areas of life, mobile machinery moving heavy loads poses a particular risk to people, machines and materials. In addition to the direct, physical safety of those involved, ensuring trouble-free and hazard-free machine performance also plays a critical role in mobile applications. Components must not lose their functionality through overload or material failure. Therefore, the goal of any safety concept for mobile machinery should be to make expected and unexpected interferences sufficiently unlikely. In order to ensure this safety, appropriate direct safety precautions must be taken, e.g. using suitable force sensor technology for precise and reliable load measurement.
With the trueSafety force sensors from WIKA Mobile Control you are always on the safe side: All models of the fSENS force sensors meet the highest safety standards – mechanically, electronically and functionally! They are designed in such a way that they reliably deliver reproducible measurement results under extreme operating conditions. For your machines this means high availability and maximum safety at the same time. Mechanical safety is provided by fSENS force sensors with high shock and vibration resistance, IP66/67 protection rating, triple safety for sensor bodies and 100% material testing. The force sensors are functionally safe in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and by meeting the performance level PL d according to EN ISO 13849 as well as the safety integrity level SIL 2 according to EN 61508 in the system. Additionally, the sensors excel with high electronic safety with EMC according to IEC 61326-3-1 Crit. FS. WIKA Mobile Control calls this: trueSafety!
In addition to fulfilling the criteria of mechanical, functional and electrical safety, selected redundant models of our fSENS force sensor technology are certified by the German TÜV. The sensor electronics, construction and adhesion were tested. The development and design process, production process, redundant sensor architecture, mechanical design as well as quality management and service have been certified. For use in hazardous areas, WIKA Mobile Control offers additional sensor models that are approved according to ATEX, FM, CSA, UL and IECEx.
In combination with cSCALE trueSafety safety controls, vSCALE consoles, other xSENS sensors and software solutions, the fSENS trueSafety force sensors form reliable and customized safety systems for mobile machines in harsh environments.
For further information please visit our website or contact our Sales Team directly for a non-binding consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!