Learn more about the qSCALE I2 TH rated capacity indicator system for telehandlers in our step-by-step instructional videos
Want to learn more about the new qSCALE I2 TH rated capacity system for telehandlers? WIKA Mobile Control has launched a new series of how-to videos that walk through several qSCALE I2 TH system procedures. These videos are designed to help the user easily install each system component and complete setup procedures for sensor calibration, RCL identification and RCL adjustments.
Video: Introducing the qSCALE I2 TH system
The Component Overview video outlines each of the standard and optional components of the system. The step-by-step system walkthrough describes the functionality of each component and indicates where it is installed on an actual telehandler.
Video: "Component overview of the qSCALE I2 TH RCI System for Telehandlers"
The Console Functionality video explains the information that is displayed on the console. The video also explains how the bargraph changes color to alert the operator as the actual load approaches the rated capacity. Viewers will also gain an understanding of how to use the rotary knob and the meaning of each function key on the console.
Video: "Console functionality of the qSCALE I2 TH RCI System for Telehandlers"
These and all future how-to videos can be found on our Website and the WIKA Mobile Control YouTube channel. Our sales team is happy to help you with any questions you may have.