WIKA Mobile Control GmbH & Co. KG

Hirschmann MCS Attended ICHCA Seminar on Ship-Port Interfaces

ICHCA International is a nongovernmental organization that devotes itself to environmental, health, and safety issues in ports and regularly holds events on these topics. In August it organized a seminar on the ship-port interface at TT-Club’s European office in central London. TT-Club is an insurance company that was a key driver of the new SOLAS rules on verifying the declared weight of packed freight containers. The seminar was attended mainly by port operators, safety consultants, suppliers to ports and shipping companies, and insurers. Hirschmann MCS was naturally also present as a provider of solutions for checking container weights.

The seminar lasted three days, from September 12 to 14, and opened with a series of presentations. The second and third days were mainly filled with technical workshops and discussions. The overriding goal of the event was to illuminate ways to improve safety and efficiency at this crucial interface in the maritime supply chain. Working groups were formed to talk about and advance the issues that are currently being addressed by ICHCA. As in the past, the seminar once again succeeded in bringing a wide range of actors offering forward-looking shipping and port solutions to one table. 

Hirschmann MCS is convinced that the results will have a major impact on the future development of new rules and regulations on port operations.

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