WIKA Mobile Control GmbH & Co. KG

Data Loggers Required for Mobile Cranes in Singapore

As 2017 comes to a close, the Hirschmann MCS team would like to call your attention to an important deadline in the coming year. The Singaporean <link http: www.mom.gov.sg newsroom press-releases new-mobile-cranes-to-be-equipped-with-data-loggers-from-1-august-2015 _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Ministry of Manpower (MOM) had announced back in the spring of 2015 that all mobile cranes operated in that country would have to be fitted with data loggers. Until now, only recently registered cranes have been required to have this capability, but soon all older cranes in use since before August 1, 2015 must also be equipped with it. The deadline is August 1, 2018.

The data loggers have to include the <link http: www.mom.gov.sg media mom documents press-releases _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>following functionality:
•Detect and record any override key activation for the cranes safety devices (i.e. over-derricking limiter, over-hoisting limiter and rated capacity limiter
•Detect and record overloading occurrences (i.e. when load reaches and exceeds 100% of the cranes rated capacity)
•Equip with data security and anti-tampering feature
•Download recorded data
•Generate reports


Hirschmann MCS offers you the solutions you need to meet these requirements. The innovative <link internal-link internal link in current>qSCALE I2 and I3 <link internal-link internal link in current>load moment indicators for small and midsized telescopic cranes include a data logger with all of the mandated functionality. Older products of ours such as the iVISOR mentor and the iFLEX E5 have also already been successfully retrofitted to comply. Please don’t hesitate to speak to us! Our sales team will be happy to assist you.

Learn more: <link>sales.wmc@wika.com